Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas is making an even stronger case that He could be the future Repubilcan President of the United States of America. Rasmussen Reports, a reputible political polling firm has moved Huckabee into the top teir of Republican Presidential candidates according to a recent http://www.worldnetdaily.com/ report. Huckabee has made a GUTSY surge of late into the double digits while most of those ahead of him have started to lose ground. It shows that when you stand your ground for conservative, and dare I say Christian convictions, you can succeed. Once again I call on all those fence-stratling evangelicals to cross-over to the 'right' and help put a decent, dedicated and determined leader into the Oval Office.
Mike Huckabee and Me
Signing his book on character
Saturday, October 27, 2007
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About Me
- Phillip
- I am a proud Christian who is in love with Jesus and my wife. I am a blessed man. Blessed with a family and a wonderful country.
I'm wondering why your religious right leaders aren't supporting the "Huck". Could it be that they care more about their own political power than they do about your core values? I'm glad you have guts because it seems your leaders don't. I really hope that this "surge" is lasting for the "incredible huck", really I do, I hope he gets the nomination, that way I can sit back and relax and watch "Hill" waltz into the White House. American is moving beyond Fundamentalism, past the religious non-sense that has been forced on us for way too long. The "Huck" is so religiously nutty he makes George Bush look like an atheist. Please, Please work harder for this Arkansas Baptist Preacher we need another President that believes in the great flood, that people can walk on water, that people raise from the dead and float into the sky and that jonah was swallowed by a big fish and someone who looks forward to the end of the world. I wish you the best of luck my friend, sincerely I do, really.
You are so RIGHT, even though I hear the sarcasm in your comments. The Evangelical Leadership is being OVERLY pragmatic for some reason. Some I've spoken with state that it's a "strategy." Others are taking the "separation of church and state" approach - which I detest since that was not the intent of the founding fathers of this CHRISTIAN NATION (which is becoming less Christian as the years progress). Forget that Mike Huckabee is a Christian - He is a man of impeccable character of which you can't say of any other Candidate (or either party). And as for looking forward to the end of the world - - it's not so much the destruction of this world we look forward to - but the better one that we will inherit after this life - the entry of which is only through the acceptance and belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (and no other - Joseph Smith or otherwise).
I love the blog name "Evangelical with GUTS"
I would like to add you to my blog roll.
I haven't blogged on this concept but it has been on my mind - which I alluded to in the above comments. When the Religion questions come up - Mike Huckabee kick's butt then takes names. He's not afraid of them - although he would prefer questioner's to stop focusing on his Christianity and stick to the political issues, but still he is unwavering in his answering them. I don't understand why a truly Spritual man is such a novelty in our country. He's not the first Preacher in American Politics.He's not the first Christian in American Politics (IN FACT: We have never had a President in the US that didn't profess Christianity). If Mitt Romney get's elected - he'll be the first. That's not to say that every President was truly Christian in reality - but at least they claimed it. As JHH asked with sarcasm, I ask with sincerity - why has it been a struggle to get Evangelicals to back Mike? Yet he has soared to #1 without them (as one Evangelical leader told me he must do - now he has and still no support). I believe it boils down to the theme of your blog. GUTS. Some would say TRUST - but the fundamental flaw of that theory is that Evangelicals are afraid of being "duped" which amounts to lack of Guts. I've watched Mike Huckabee for 8 years now. He is who he says he is. He keeps his political promises. He knows how to govern, he knows how to articulate his views without wavering or stammering in lie's, indecision, or concern of popularity. Thanks for your blog. Visit mine anytime. www.elephantroom08.blogspot.com
What are Evangelicals doing? Stop the hate. Stop the anti-Mormonism. It is rampant among your people. Stop the anti-semitic feelings. Are you not ashamed, is this America or Germany circa 1930's?
Watch this before you vote:
I was unable to find contact information on your blog, so I am passing this on to you here:
We would like you to post about this.
Contact us if you have any questions.
The problem is that with a downturning economy, Huckabee scares economic conservatives. He talks about firing the 150,000 IRS employees in one swipe. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of small businesses providing tax services. The USA only created 43,000 jobs in November of 2007. Huckabee fails to mention the 23% consumption tax on everything you buy. That includes healthcare. Can you afford a 23% increase in your healthcare?
His reason for supporting the so called “Fair” tax is that it would bring the “bad folks” into the system. The issue there is that the “bad folks” are a tiny percentage of the US population and the middle class will actually pick up the burden.
Look, I am a student with student loans, three kids and a wife, I pay an effective tax rate of 7%! Huckabee would give me a 15% tax increase - I cannot afford that. Finally, economists estimate the “Fair Tax” would need to be closer to 50% in order to remain revenue neutral!!!
Just imagine the black market that will kick up in the US of A. A vote for Huckabee is a vote to put 150,000 people out of jobs right off the bat. That’s a big NO for me.
Entering into Dialogue with a Fellow Christ-Follower
I would like to respond to two quotes from Huckabee's "Issues" section on the "war on terror":
He wrote:
"I believe in the Powell Doctrine of using overwhelming force to accomplish a mission."
Haven't you ever preached, as a pastor, on John 3:16 and the overwhelming love that was able to defeat evil at the cross?
"I will expand the army and increase the defense budget."
Do the prophets not speak about a time in which we will beat swords into ploughshares? Does Jesus Christ not speak about turning the cheek and loving our enemies? Does this quote not undermine the words and work of Jesus Christ THE Commander and Chief of all that is?
It saddens me to read of how willing you are to sacrifice the fathers and sons of our enemies even as you passionately plead for the life of the unborn child. Does God not love both enemy and unborn child? Is the gospel not meant for the killed fetus and also the disemboweled extremist?
Social Conservatives Unite!
Now is the time. If you believe in a Constitutional Amendment to preserve traditional marriage. If you believe in appointing judges who believe the Constitution is a document, not some living organism. If you believe groups trying to elect candidates who share our values should be allowed to spend our contributions on political ads. If you believe life should be protected. Now is the time to support Mitt Romney.
I want to speak particularly Mike Huckabee supporters. A vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. If you fracture the conservative vote, McCain will win by default.
Remember this is the guy who attacked members of the religious right as being agents of intolerance. That is what he does when you are against him. He believes that about religious groups that challenge him. That is why he liked McCain-Feingold. As previously stated here, this is the guy who has problems appointing conservative judges. You don't want him as President.
While I'm at it, remember that just because McCain says he is the most electable, doesn't mean he is. His predictions have proven false before:
"Unfortunately, Governor Bush is a Pat Robertson Republican who will lose to Al Gore."
I want to know something as a Born-Again Conservative Christian. If Mike Huckabee is this great man of integrity and such an honest Christian, why does his blog site edit out any and all negative posts? Why can't people have an honest discussion about his candidacy? What is Mike trying to hide? I do not trust Mike, he is a snake and I will NEVER vote for him or anyone who puts him as his VP (McCain better listen). I have NEVER voted democrat but if the Huckster is on a ticket, I'm switching my vote to the other side.
I was a Romney supporter. I don't have problems with Jews, Catholics or Mormons so I was looking past that, unlike a lot of evangelical Huckabee supporters who are really voting less FOR Huckabee and more AGAINST Romney. To me that is actually a frightening commentary on intolerance and bigotry.
Huckabee is a nice guy but we need to be honest about his chances aaginst the Dems. They will butcher him. He has shown that he cannot carry beyond evangelicals and Mccain is just Hillary Lite. At this point I will be voting for Obama, he shows greater mental stability than the warmongering, irritable McCain. Our only hope is to rally behind Romney in 2012 when people will be begging for him to fix this mess. Buyers remorse anyone?
Please help us get this video out to Texans by posting it on your blog, then emailing a link to all the Texans and all the Huckabee supporters you know! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhApGSuT2BY
Thanks, and GO HUCKABEE!
McCain is no Huckabee, But I guess I'll vote McCain anyways, sighs~
Obama does not have a chance!
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