I am appalled at my fellow evangelicals willingness to sacrifice the only worthy candidate to come along since Ronald Reagan for expediency--Mike Huckabee. A recent Newsmax.com article listed statements from 'so-called' leaders of evangelicals that could basically live with Mitt Romney's Mormon faith and his 'Johnny Come Lately' conservative 'convictions' just to get a Republican into office. They are willing to sacrifice Christology for Conservative moral values. Why? Because they listen to Republican spin and those who spend in Washington that "Mike can't beat Hillary" or "Mike can't get enough money." Oh ye of little faith!!!! I am so thankful that Chuck Norris has once again shown his 'toughness' and speaks the truth and endorses Mike Huckabee as the only logical choice for President to represent the Republican party and every God-fearing and freedom loving American. Chuck Norris is an evangelical with Guts! Mike needs money and I am going to put MY money where my mouth is and donate TODAY! Evangelicals show your convictions for conservative & Christian values and have the guts to support and give to Mike Huckabee for President with me. I stand with my convictions as evangelical Christian and a proud American. So does Mike Huckabee!
Phillip Miller
Mike Huckabee and Me
Signing his book on character
Monday, October 22, 2007
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About Me
- Phillip
- I am a proud Christian who is in love with Jesus and my wife. I am a blessed man. Blessed with a family and a wonderful country.
Welcome to the Huckabee Blogger Community from The Maritime Sentry.
Thanks dr. God bless the USA!
What do you want a theocracy? This is America where Seperation of church and state is check to protect state sanctioned religions. Remember why the piligrims left England; because they were forced to follow the Church of England. Relgion is personal matter as well as the human body. Women have the divine right to have abortions with no government forcing them . this country i though was about equality, not intolerance. Oh evangelicals believe in " you either with us or against us" or "onward Christian soldiers" . But in the gosples jesus said " love they neighbors".
Also "In God We Trust" which one?
I prefer Lucifer!
You sit there and say that all Romney supporters are just brainwashed by the Conservative media and then make statements like "Mitt Romney's Mormon faith and his 'Johnny Come Lately' conservative 'convictions' just to get a Republican into office”
Go ahead and tell me what he did that showed he did not have conservative convictions. You are just re-spinning what the liberal media has been saying about him. You are a hypocrite and guilty of what you accuse all of us Romney supporters of being.
Also, you got something against his Mormon faith? What do you know about it aside from what your so-called Christian church has taught you in Sunday School, which I know is not good.
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